Summary artistic resume Telma Weber, was born in Canavieiras - Baha on October 29, 1953. Since the girl he present it interest for drawing and painting, but came only plastic arts dedicated to her in 1993 when classes begin, frequent free drawing and painting, and as a pupil especially in the fine arts school of the Federal University of Baha, tambem them to participate in the arts workshops at the museum of modern art in the Bay. Comenza showcase their individual and collective work in since 1995. Exhibiya in Salvador-Ba, Canavieiras-Ba-Ba Camaari, Brasilia-DF, is Paul-SP, Maca-RO JANEIRO DE, Curitiba-PR, Bento Gonalves-RS, Aljezur -Portuguese, Portugal ro a bigger, Entroncamento-Portugall. His workmanships Haban already been published in the remote phone cards, the plastic-Art Place's 2003 yearbook, and the Plastic Arts ANNUAL CONSULTATION Brasilea vol. IV. Awardee in place 3 in Mostra de Arte da sailor, in 1999. His works are found in some Internet sites in Brazil and abroad. Weber Telma (